How AppetiteMax Works

Enhances Hunger Sensations
B vitamins play a role in important functions such as nutrient transport, energy production, and digestive function. Vitamin B1 promotes weight gain by energizing enzymes that regulate food consumption and body weight programming. A vitamin B1 deficiency is even linked to weight-gaining difficulties for some people [1].
Vitamin B12 converts nutrients such as fats, carbohydrates, and proteins into energy. It also targets fatigue and anemia that make it hard to eat consistently or gain weight [2].
The addition of Zinc and Gentian Root enhances taste, saliva production, and stomach acid levels [3,4].
Gentian specifically targets digestive problems, poor appetite, and eating difficulties through its saliva and stomach acid-enhancing extracts called secoiridoids [4].
Helps Build Lean Muscle
Vitamin D3 boosts muscle tone and lean muscle mass by heightening nutrient transport through the blood [5]. When combined with L-leucine, an essential amino acid that promotes muscle protein formation, even stronger muscles develop.
L-leucine also helps generate powerful energy molecules called adenosine triphosphate (ATP) [6]. Improved protein and energy sources are important because vigorous activity causes proteins to be broken down in the muscles. Ample supplies of stored energy and protein means your body will build more muscle when you workout instead of losing it.
D-aspartic acid is another useful amino acid that produces gains in muscle mass, strength, and endurance by enhancing muscle pumps and testosterone levels for peak workout performance [7].
Boron reinforces these benefits by heightening testosterone production and helping the body build muscle [8]. Together these nutrients lower your body’s calorie burning potential by providing an energy source for muscle-building workouts. This supports weight gain and a healthier body composition.
Boosts Weight Gain Through Enhanced Digestion And Immune Responses
Amylase and Glucoamylase are enzymes that promote complete digestion of carbohydrates into simple sugars. The body uses simple sugar as energy to fuel vital organs and bodily processes (e.g., metabolism) [9,10].
When digestive enzymes are low, partially digested starch from food such as vegetables, rice, corn, potatoes, and wheat clump together in the intestines. This slows down digestion, making it harder for the body to absorb or store the fat that is needed for weight gain.
Bioperine, which is a black pepper extract that is also known as piperine, supports enzyme activity by dramatically enhancing the body’s absorption of nutrients [11]. In particular, it helps the gastrointestinal tract absorb nutrients faster by heightening stomach acid production and beneficial bacteria function in the gut.
Additionally, Bioperine blocks the liver from quickly breaking down nutrients, which boosts their transport throughout the body and muscles. Consuming low amounts of Bioperine is linked to fatigue, joint issues, and weakened immune responses that lower the appetite.
Vitamin D3, Zinc, Boron, and Ashwaganhda also reinforce the immune system by boosting white blood cell activity [3,4]. This helps counteract health issues that alter appetite.
Supports A Balanced Metabolism
Herbs such as Ashwaganhda, Gentian Root, and Korean Ginseng target a higher-than-normal metabolism that disrupts weight gain by burning calories too fast [4,12,13].
These well-known adaptogens strengthen immune responses, digestive function, and metabolism while an individual is eating or at rest. This helps the body retain healthy fat that supports weight gain.
Additionally, these botanicals support healthier insulin activity that balances blood sugar levels after eating [4,12,13].
These herbs also work together to help your body adapt to stress that can disrupt your metabolism and appetite.
This beneficial formula guarantees healthy weight gain by promoting proper digestion and optimal metabolism whether an individual is eating, exercising, or resting.
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